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Curtis James on The Money Report

Magic Number

The Right Plan

Protect Your Savings

Checklist for Retirement

Protected Growth

Strategies to Help Reduce Your Tax Liability

Tax Planning Can Help Save Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars

The Last Paycheck

Strategies to Help Better Prepare for Taxes

Curtis James on The Money Report

Boomer Confidence

Calming Fears


Median Income

Overinflating Taxes


Right Now

Roller Coaster

Seeking Help

Election Uncertainty?

From changes in tax laws that could affect retirement accounts, shifts in health care policy impacting the costs of future care and broad economic changes that could influence the performance of the stock market, presidential elections inevitably bring about change and uncertainty. This guide explores:

  • The impact of presidential elections on the stock market
  • How campaign promises could potentially affect your finances
  • How the years preceding elections can maybe provide some clues about their potential impact

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